Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Seriously?!?!?  I really am flooding on CD 11.  I flooded on CD 2, 3, and 4 then the flooding resumed yesterday on CD 10.  Why can't my body just do what it's supposed to do?  It's been hard running after a busy 15 month old while flooding.  I'm so tired.  Oh well, something else to offer up.

Please pray that my favorite person from last night works out for the mother's helper position.  I feel like I could really trust her to take care of S but she could be making more money somewhere else.  I pray that it all works out as I'm just too tired to keep going.  I guess it's nap time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's horrible. I am going to tell you about a horrible natural remedy that WORKS! Tumeric paste. Get a TBSP or more mix with water and take as much as you can. Make more take more. I did that once when I was still bleeding on Day 11 and it worked. I got the rememdy from another friend who had the same problem and was told to take the pill.
