Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The answer is Yes until the Author of Life says No...

A few weeks ago when I was visiting the parish where I was confirmed, the new parochial vicar there said the above quote while asking for prayer for someone who was on life support.  The quote echoed in my heart as I read the latest update on Baby M..

Baby M is on life support. Current brain function tests so far are negative. One more is scheduled for tomorrow...  The prognosis is not good. Pray God will spare Baby M's parents from having to make the decision to end life support. Please keep, Baby M and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

I don't know Baby M's parents, they are friends of friends but I don't think I've ever met them, and yet they have been constantly on my heart since I read about the dire situation with Baby M last night.  E and I are definitely holding our baby a little tighter tonight and not minding as much as normal that S isn't in a mood to sleep.  St. Michael pray for us!

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