Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prayer Request

Tonight at 6:15 PM PDT, I'm interviewing someone for the mother's helper position.  I have another first interview on Friday night but she seems a little bossy.  I'm really praying that the woman tonight works out.  I know it's a silly little thing compared to all the other prayer requests out there but any prayerful thought you could throw my way is much appreciated.

I just had a brief stabbing pain in my right side and my first thought was "Fudge muffins!  Can't I get a break?"  My BBT for the last 2 days has been 96.9.  I need to make an appointment with my primary doc and take this article with me.  Even my research scientist husband who takes a lot of convincing is convinced that my thyroid is off.  My hope is that getting someone to help me with S a few hours a week will give me the time to take care of myself.  Of course, I'm here blogging rather than on the phone with my docs.  So while I've been sitting here, I've had two more brief stabbing pains...  I guess I could start timing them but I think I take a nap instead since S is asleep.

I think I'm finally done with pumping.  S had the last of the milk this morning.  I'm sad and yet I feel free to just enjoy our time.  She is such a magical little girl and I was missing so much with her.  I'm enjoying being a mom more so that's probably more important than the milk.  Oh, that nap is really calling me.

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